
My photo
Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Currently 24. I enjoy editing videos. I've been broken, I've been bruised. But that won't stop me, from making my dreams come true. Say or do whatever you want about me 'cause I couldn't care less.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Man Of The Day, Abengoh

My Wingman

Today on 22nd April and like every other year it's his date of birth. Yup it's Abengoh's birthday : D Selamat Hari Jadi Abengoh, smoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, dan dirahmati Allah selalu. Amin. Abechik, Abelong, Mokngoh & everyone else loves you, we love you so much. I'm glad I have a big brother like you to look up to. I'm glad and thankful that Allah has blessed me you as my best friend, so are you Abelong & and not forgetting you Adikchik as my little brother :' ) Me, Abengoh, Mokngoh, Abelong, Akmal & Rashid. All six of us, we went for steamboat near Sunway Pyramid to celebrate his birthday. I pray for you Abengoh. Always have, always will. Here's the pics enjoy ; D

 Abelong & Akmal
 Abengoh & Mokngoh
 Abechik : D
 Nom nom nom*
 Sodaaap : D
 Brothers for life ;' D
Dessert mmmm : D
Abechik Gedang ; P