
My photo
Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Currently 24. I enjoy editing videos. I've been broken, I've been bruised. But that won't stop me, from making my dreams come true. Say or do whatever you want about me 'cause I couldn't care less.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Spot The Difference

 This was me 4 years back I weigh what 100kg++?
And this is me today : D I weigh 68kg now

I lost 12kg in one month plus. I need to lose another 8kg-16kg. But it's hard to keep track on my fats and my muscle mass. I lose fat and gain more muscles at the same time. Well I'm happy with my body so far, not so flabby here and there anymore. Soon I'll get the fit and toned body I always wanted. hopefully in 3-6 months time? I only do jogs, lunges, crunches, planks, pumps, monkey bar, play badminton and I don't go to the Gym. I intend to build pure muscle mass, gain pure muscle strength & more stamina. I don't want to get bulky and bigger, just toned and fit body. Now I'll have to work hard and train hard. I'll update you guys in a few months time
; )