
My photo
Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Currently 24. I enjoy editing videos. I've been broken, I've been bruised. But that won't stop me, from making my dreams come true. Say or do whatever you want about me 'cause I couldn't care less.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Full Of Life, Full Of Hope

I have been through hell and back.

I was lost deep in that labyrinth.
Unguided and free to do as I see fit.
What was bad for me, I foolishly thought it was good.
Believed in it such so much, that I was so blinded from what was better for me.
A dark path I once walk.
Demeaning lust.
Fool for a took I once was.
'Till I found my way back.
This path, full of life and hope.
Complete, filled with never ending knowledge of what I need.
In order to live in this world and the hereafter.
I'll walk down this road to the end.
With HIS will.
I'll be a better human.
Filled with kindness and respect.