
My photo
Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Currently 24. I enjoy editing videos. I've been broken, I've been bruised. But that won't stop me, from making my dreams come true. Say or do whatever you want about me 'cause I couldn't care less.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Ramadhan Shopping For Eid al-Adha

Ibu kesayangan saya : ) Yes I know I look phat - .-"
Yesterday me, my lil' miss sunshine, Ibu & Ayah went shopping for Eid al-Adha to come. We break fast at Italiannies, Sunway Pyramid. I meet up with them after work, sadly I only had time to buy my jeans and kicks. I still need to buy a luggage, pair of boxers, Tees, and Shirts. Then I'm all set for 'Hari Raya'. InsyaAllah this coming Thursday I'll follow my best pals shop in KL. KLCC, Pavi, Time Square and such. Urggh!! I can't WAIT! NGEEE : D Enjoy the pics people : )
 Last piece, syukur alhamdulillah aku dapat : D
New pair of kicks : D
Would you look at that, my waist is officially 32 now hah! Beat that lumpy fats!
 Even entitled for the membership card yaay!
This is my new fave cap, I like it, I love it : D

I'm loyal to the ONE

Every time I listen to this beautiful 'Zikir', it just brings me down to tears. Every single time without a fail. It makes me aware and realize of the sins and the mistakes that I've made, the responsibilities that I've forsaken, and that HE had brought me back to the right path of righteous. I thank HIM for guiding me, for teaching me, for not forsaking me, and most of all I thank HIM for still loving me and still cares about me. Even though I, HIS slave had swayed before from HIS wills and orders, yet HE still accepts me for who I am today. HE is my true love, the one who'll never ever leave me for another. From HIM I have came, and to HIM I shall return. Ashadu an la ilaha illa'llah wa Allah Ashad anna Muhammadan Rasululu'llah. I LOVE YOU ALLAH! 

Sunday, 14 August 2011

I'll Be Saving Tears In Jars For This One

Did you know that you're my heart
and that it hurts to be apart?

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Death Is Inevitable

*For today's update, aku tulis rojak sket*

Say if I was to go first (wAllahu a'lam) I want to apologize to everyone who knows me from the bottom of my heart. For all the bad things that I've done, taken, mistreated, and most of all hurt your feelings. Forgive me. I'm afraid to go away too soon. Bukan sebab aku takut mati, tapi sebab aku takut untuk menghadap Pencipta ku dengan amalan aku sekarang. Aku takut kerana terlalu sikit amal kebaikan ku, terlalu sikit amal pahala ku dan terlalu banyak dosa yang telah aku buat. Mudah mudahan Allah terima taubat aku yang ikhlas ini dan mudah mudahan Allah beri aku masa untuk beribadah dan tingkatkan amalan untuk di akhirat kelak. Kau tunjukkanlah aku jalan yang benar ya Allah, jangan biarkan aku di dalam kesesatan ya Allah. Ampunilah dosa dosa ku ya Allah.

Friday, 5 August 2011

For The Greater Good (Revised)

Okay here's the plan for my Year End Coming Goal 2011. My exam is going to be sometime in December, which means I have around 3-4 more months to gain some paper to achieve my goals for this year. Here's the layout.

1 Hour = RM3.80 RM4.00
1 Day = RM30.40 RM32.00
1 Month = RM790.40 RM832.00
4 Months = RM2371.20 RM3328.00

Trip To And Back From Work

1 Day = RM2
1 Month = RM52
3 Months = RM156

Monthly Expenses

Bank = RM100
Allowance = RM40
Transport Fee = RM52

Put all of that into account...
RM790 RM832 (Monthly Pay) - RM100 (Bank) - RM52 (Transport Fee) - RM40 (Allowance) =

RM598 RM640 (After Budget Cut) x  3  4 = RM1794 RM2560 (4 Months Pay) + {RM100 (Standard

Commission Per Month) x 4 = 400} - RM150 (Late Prediction

Within  3  4 months) = RM1644 RM2810 (Total)

Year End Goal

Driving License = RM1200
Fuji Instax 210 Wide Camera (Polaroid) = RM400 
Drum Kit = RM1300
Trip to Thailand, Bangkok = RM1000
Motorbike (FZ) = RM???

Total - Year End Goal
RM1644 RM2810  (After Monthly Expenses Budget Cut) - 

RM1200 (Driving License For Both Bike And Car) =

RM444 RM1610 (Total Balance)


I'd have to push forward my polaroid (maybe I could still get a polaroid by this year), drum, and holiday to my next year 2012 Goal. Since I can't afford to, yet : ( But at least (insyaAllah) I'll get a driving license for and a bike and also a car if Ayah is willing to take out his EPF (Nak Myvi baru tau Ayah? Saga FL pon cun gak hahah)  which will make my and my family's life a whole lot easier. Easy for me to travel back and forth from college and much more easier to get a part time job so that I could earn some pocket money for myself, easy to travel with my family, and save my family's money a whole lot more which could be spent on something much more family benefiting. I'm done fooling around and waste time with my life. Time to be a man. (insyaAllah) I'll get buffed and stay fit by next year. Also I have 4 more re-sit papers (insyaAllah) By next year I can further continue my  studies in Diploma for Broadcasting. And also (insyaAllah) by next year I won't leave  a single 5 times a day  prayer. I'm determined to change into a better person, into a better muslim. I'm changing for myself and most of all for my dearest family, brothers, sister, mom & dad. (insyaAllah) my efforts wont go to waste. (Kau tunjukkanlah aku jalan yang Kau redhai Ya Allah, bukakanlah pintu hatiku, ampunilah dosa-dosaku dan terimalah taubatku yang ikhlas Ya Allah. Amin)    

Thursday, 4 August 2011


Fasting month is here! And it's the 4th day of Ramadhan. My goal for Ramadhan this year is to fast everyday without skipping, insyaAllah I can do it. Last year was horrible skipped a few days (well a lot actually) -_ - But I've made amends, in fact I've fast for almost a month last month, for Syaaban : D This is my first time working while fasting and it's fun. I get to break fast with my co-workers. Recap of last week, I'm working at TL again for the moment and (Syukur alhamdulillah) I get to answer my re-set paper smoothly. That's all for today, Enjoy the pics : D Owh and Happy Fasting people!
Nihh Adam anak Kak Liza, tiut miut!
 Kak Liza & Ira
 Sedap baiiii
 Nihh Oggy